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Sustainability & Innovation Committee

For Committee Members Only!

The Sustainability & Innovation Committee will meet on Thursday, March 13 from 10:00 to 12:00 p.m. at Philip Morris, Borsbeeksebrug 24, 2600 Berchem. Thank you to Katrien for hosting us! 

This meeting will focus on PMI's sustainability initiatives and include a discussion on the new omnibus legislation. A more detailed agenda will be shared closer to the date.

We would like to remind you that Committee Meetings are only for Committee Members. 
Interested in joining one of our Committees/Subcommittees? Don't hesitate to get in touch!

Date & Time
Thursday, 13 March 2025
10:00 12:00 (Europe/Brussels) Add to Calendar

Philip Morris Benelux BV, Venue

Borsbeeksebrug 24
2600 Berchem
--Philip Morris Benelux BV, Venue--

Get directions!


AmCham Belgium, Committees

+32 2 513 67 70