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Joint Sustainability & Innovation and Human Capital & Talent Committee meeting

For Committee Members Only!

The Sustainability & Innovation and Human Capital & Talent Committee will have a joint meeting on Thursday, November 7, from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. at PwC, Culliganlaan 5, 1831 Machelen.

We are excited to welcome a speaker from the U.S. Embassy, who will present on the social aspect of ESG. Following the presentation, there will be a panel discussion featuring the U.S. Embassy speaker, Samar Hechaime (PwC), and Aurelia Takacs (Cisco) focusing on broader social topics within ESG.

We would like to remind you that Committee Meetings are only for Committee Members. 
Interested in joining one of our Committees/Subcommittees? Don't hesitate to get in touch!
Registrations Closed
Date & Time
Thursday, 7 November 2024
10:00 12:00 (Europe/Brussels) Add to Calendar

PwC Belgium BV

Culliganlaan 5
1831 Diegem
+32 (0)2 710 42 11

Get directions!


AmCham Belgium, Committees

+32 2 513 67 70