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Registrations Closed

Innovative Healthcare Committee meeting

For Committee Members Only!

The Innovative Healthcare Committee will meet on Friday, April 26, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. We are currently still looking for a host, if you are willing to host us, please let us know.

In this meeting, our main focus will be on our committee's activities, particularly delving into the work of our subcommittees. We will have a brainstorming session to map out our next steps and how to best communicate what the committee has been working on etc.

We would like to remind you that Committee Meetings are only for Committee Members! 
Interested in joining one of our Committees/Subcommittees? Don't hesitate to get in touch!

Registrations Closed
Date & Time
Friday, 26 April 2024
12:00 14:00 (Europe/Brussels) Add to Calendar

Gilead Sciences Belgium BV

Park Lane, Culliganlaan 2G
1831 Diegem
+32 (0)2 401 35 50

Get directions!


AmCham Belgium, Committees

+32 2 513 67 70