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Election Debate #4 - Talent

Join us on Thursday, April 18, for our final thematic debate before our general election debate on May 21. 

For our final theme, we will
deep dive into the topic of Talent with special guests 

Gilles Verstraeten (N-VA), Eva De Bleeker (Open VLD), Jolan Vereecke (MR), 
Jean Albert Nyssens (Les Engagés) & Wassim Essebane (CD&V).

Belgium needs a future-ready workforce to drive its productivity growth. Policy-makers should prioritize STEM education and incentivize upskilling, embrace digitalization in the workforce, and proactively attract international talent.

The backbone of Belgium’s appeal lies in its skilled workforce which attracts international investment. Let’s find out how to best prepare the next generation workforce to build upon Belgium’s potential.

 In partnership with:

Registrations Closed
Date & Time
Thursday, 18 April 2024
18:00 20:00 (Europe/Brussels) Add to Calendar

BEPS International School

avenue Franklin Roosevelt 23 Franklin Rooseveltlaan
1050 Brussels
+32 (0)2 648 43 11

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